BY-COVID industry sector mapping report
19 October 2022

The BY-COVID project has released a freely available industry sector mapping report. The report summarises resources available through BY-COVID, provides an overview of potential commercial partners and highlights a successful public-private partnership.
BY-COVID resources
The COVID-19 Data Portal enables the collection and wide sharing of comprehensive data on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. As of October 2022, the Portal contains over 15 million records, which include viral and host sequences, expression, protein and sample data, and biological images and scientific literature. More recent additions include social science and humanities publications and an early version of a clinical trials cohort browser.
The Infectious Disease Toolkit is an online guide to good data management practices from the beginning to the end of research projects. The Toolkit is in the early stages of development and aims to apply the knowledge gained from BY-COVID to infectious diseases more widely.
Data driven industries
Following a literature review, interviews with opinion leaders and a project survey, the report provides a list of industry sectors that contain potential BY-COVID partners. These include both service users and service providers (Figure 1). The report positions both types of industry stakeholders in the BY-COVID value chain.
Public-private engagement example
A collaboration between Angela Bauch, Dieter Maier (both Biomax informatics) and Marek Ostaszewski (BY-COVID) on the COVID-19 Disease Map is highlighted. The Disease Map is a repository of SARS-CoV-2 virus-host interaction mechanisms based on openly published literature and is one of the use cases in BY-COVID. The collaboration helped to identify relevant literature on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 and created a comprehensive knowledge network that will be further developed in BY-COVID. This collaboration is a part of the activities of the wider COVID-19 Disease Map community.
One year into the three-year BY-COVID project, the industry sector mapping report lays the groundwork for further engagement between the public and private sectors in COVID-19 and infectious diseases.
Industry colleagues are invited to join a vibrant community of specialists working in the area of COVID and infectious diseases by filling in the following form: