
Image for the BY-COVID news pages.
News | 10 September 2024

Stories of Success from the BY-COVID project

The BY-COVID project was launched in autumn 2021, as part of the European Commission’s HERA incubator plan ‘Anticipating together the threat of COVID-19 variants’.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages
News | 5 June 2024

BY-COVID funds projects to build national capacity for pandemic preparedness

Following an open call, BY-COVID has funded two projects to build national capacity for pandemic preparedness and enhance the diversity of data types which can be connected. Each project receives 60K Euros and is required to complete by September 2024.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages.
News | 19 January 2024

Open science for pandemic preparedness - accelerating research, innovation and policy-making

The BY-COVID project gathered together key opinion leaders in Brussels at the end of 2023 to discuss different perspectives on using open science to advance pandemic preparedness.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages
News | 15 December 2023

BY-COVID highlighted as CORDIS success story

The BY-COVID project has been featured in the "CORDIS Results Pack on Research Infrastructures in Europe," a publication by the European Commission.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages
News | 1 September 2023

BY-COVID signs collaboration agreement with the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science

BY-COVID’s global reach is set to be expanded through a collaboration with the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS).

News | 25 August 2023

Building links in cross-disciplinary social science research in Belgium and the Netherlands

In April 2023, representatives from 13 Dutch and Belgian organisations, both internal and external to the BY-COVID project, gathered in The Hague to discuss how social sciences and humanities (SSH) data can contribute to research on vaccine effectiveness and pandemic preparedness.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages
News | 13 July 2023

Toolkit showcases data solutions for pandemic preparedness

The Infectious Diseases Toolkit (IDTk) is a community-driven resource developed as part of the BY-COVID project.

News | 22 June 2023

The FAIRsharing BY-COVID Collection of data sources

The COVID-19 Data Portal makes it possible for researchers to access and integrate a broad range of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 data.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages
News | 13 June 2023

Support for the implementation of SARS-CoV-2 data hubs at national and regional levels

The BY-COVID project has an open call for proposals to support the implementation of additional SARS-CoV-2 data hubs.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages
News | 16 May 2023

BY-COVID Policy Brief: Open data to support European pandemic preparedness

The BY-COVID project has published a policy brief summarising learnings and policy recommendations to support pandemic preparedness.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages.
News | 22 February 2023

Citizen engagement material on FAIR data released

The BY-COVID project has released citizen engagement material, in English and French. The material explains the role of good data infrastructures and open science in effective pandemic responses, and more broadly in the study of infectious diseases.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages.
News | 23 November 2022

Release of indexing system to link COVID-19 data across research disciplines

The BY-COVID project has implemented a scalable indexing system to link data and metadata on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, along with and other infectious diseases and pathogens, across multiple areas of research.

VEO logo
News | 21 November 2022

VEO report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data

VEO submits the 14th report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data.

News | 19 October 2022

BY-COVID industry sector mapping report

The report summarises resources available through BY-COVID, provides an overview of potential commercial partners and highlights a successful public-private partnership.

VEO logo
News | 29 September 2022

VEO report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data

VEO submits the 13th report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data.

ISIDORe calls for proposals
News | 27 July 2022

ISIDORe calls for proposals

ISIDORe has open calls to support research by providing free access to their services and facilities to study infectious diseases in Europe.

VEO logo
News | 21 July 2022

VEO report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data.

The VEO has published its 12th report on the SARS-Cov-2 sequence data submitted to the European COVID-19 Data Portal.

News | 20 June 2022

Repurposing COVID-19 pipelines for the monkeypox virus

One aim of the BY-COVID project is to build a framework enabling data from newly emerging infectious disease threats to be made rapidly and widely accessible.

VEO logo
News | 14 April 2022

VEO report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data.

In its eleventh report to the European Commission, VEO Consortium members summarize mobilisation and analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequence data submitted to the European COVID-19 Data Platform in the context of the VEO project, which aims to develop tools and data analytics for pandemic and outbreak preparedness.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages.
News | 9 March 2022

BY-COVID and ISIDORe projects work to prepare Europe for outbreaks of infectious diseases

BY-COVID is part of a new three-year, European Commission funded project called Integrated Services for Infectious Diseases Outbreak Research (ISIDORe), which brings together 155 project partners from 32 countries. ISIDORe was officially launched on 24 February 2022 with a kick-off meeting attended by BY-COVID representatives.

VEO logo
News | 15 December 2021

VEO submits the tenth report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data.

In its tenth report to the European Commission, VEO Consortium members summarize mobilisation and analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequence data submitted to the European COVID-19 Data Platform in the context of the VEO project, which aims to develop tools and data analytics for pandemic and outbreak preparedness.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages.
News | 8 December 2021

Galaxy Europe provide a simple and free method for analysing SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant data

Computer scientists and developers from BY-COVID involved in Galaxy Europe have published new data and analysis methods on the new SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern, Omicron.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages.
News | 24 November 2021

BY-COVID featured in the press at GenomeWeb

The BY-COVID project has been featured in an article on GenomeWeb, an online news organisation that promotes the scientific and economic ecosystem spurred by the advent of high-throughput genome sequencing.

VEO logo
News | 18 November 2021

VEO submits the ninth report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 data

The Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory (VEO) has published its ninth report on SARS-Cov-2 sequence data submitted to the European COVID-19 Data Portal.

Image for the BY-COVID news pages.
News | 13 October 2021

BY-COVID - a new EU project for pandemic preparedness

The BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID) project launches today. It aims to make SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious disease data easier to find and share.

VEO logo
News | 12 October 2021

VEO submits the eighth report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 data

The Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory (VEO) has published its eighth report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data.